●In the competition Izefa2025 all students of Zeimpekiko are welcome to participate. Professionals are not allowed to compete in any category.
●The participants that are dancing in an advance category cannot participate in the beginners categories.
●All age group must be followed by the participants according to their day and year of birth.
●The solo music for competitors is 1.30 minutes and in groups is 3.00 minutes
●Judges are allowed to have their students participate in the competition.
●Only one representative judge is allowed to be in the panel from schools that are united under the same name.
● Judges cannot communicate with their students at the time of the competition. Also, communication between judges is not allowed at the time of the competition.
● Judges are distanced 2 meters from each other at the time of the competition.
● All judges should have good communication with the other members of the competition and the other judges.
● Competitors should be on the place of the competition one prior of the beginning of the competition.
● Music for the solo show and group category should be sent by email the latest by January 10th. After that date participants will be eliminated from the competition if music is not already send.
●All competitors should have a good communication and respectul attitude with the other competitors and all judges.
● At the time of the competition there will be a person responsible for all the rules to he kept by judges and competitors and this is Mr. John Olariu.
● The competitors should not be wearing sport shoes and oufit at the time of their competition
● Organization should be all in tact regarding the timetable, dressing rooms, health conditions of the stadium and smooth continuation of the program.
● Dress code for judges black tie and for ladies long official dress.
● All Judges should be present an hour prior to the beginning of the competition until the awards ceremony. 15 Judges will be judging in each category.
● Approximately the competition will start at 3.00pm and will finish at 9.00pm on Saturday January 18th 2025 The final program will be posted on Thursday January 16th 2025
●All the rules have been specified in order for the competition to be as fair and organized to the best as possible.
Thank you very much in advance
Theodora Satolia